Burning the Candle at Both Ends


One definition of that phrase is: to work long hours without rest. Working late into the night and beginning again early in the morning.

I know all of us in the Historical Administration program can identify with that phrase now that we are in the throws of putting this exhibit together, and I wear my battle scars proudly!

Sleepiness has made this HA Coffee Addict a little punchy, but this photo is also a tribute to our class’ favorite museum writer/blogger Nina Simon.


The Participatory Museum by Nina Simon, this book provides us the practical wisdom we need to create an exhibit which encourages visitor interaction- aka, interactives.


Nina Simon, photo courtesy http://museumtwo.blogspot.com

Now that the Education team (consisting Laura and myself) has a brief reprieve while waiting for exhibit labels to print, I would like to share what else we have been working on.  First, let me pour myself a strong cup of coffee, I am the HA Coffee Addict after all.

See how much calmer and more refined I look after a good cup of joe.

We have moved on to planning interactives for the exhibit, and one of our biggest challenges is the tiny space we have to work with. Therefore, we are planning three small interactive displays.  The first is a table-top interactive related to the “What is a Lab School” section panel, the second is a flip book that explains the educational programs initiated at the Lab School, and the third is a memories tablet interactive at the end of the exhibit.   These ideas came directly from Beverly Serrell’s book Exhibit Labels: An Interpretive Approach, and Nina Simon’s Participatory Museum .  

The Education Team has been consulting with exhibit fabricators Alex and Dan in order to ensure that the interactives are sturdy and easy for visitors to use.

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Here is a mockup of the interactive; the center panel asks the visitor to consider whether each panel belongs in the Lab School, Public School, or both. Each of the orange and green panels can be opened, where the visitor can read the answer underneath. As Simon recommends, this interactive is designed to invite the visitor to draw upon their own memories (perhaps even talk to the person standing next to them at this table), and think about what made the Lab School at EIU different…yet the same as other’s school experience.

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This picture shows where the flip book will go, it will be situated in front of a classroom scene. The visitor will be able read our well researched descriptions of various Lab School programs, and see photos from newspaper articles about them as well. It is our hope that the desk scene will trigger memories from our visitors, and reading the book will get them excited about the Lab School’s creative and interdisciplinary curriculum.

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This is the home page of the tablet interactive. Simon really stresses the use of technology that visitors are familiar with, and our audience research confirms that our visitors want to interact with touch screens. Therefore this program is designed to allow visitors to discover more about the Lab School, explore memories from alumni, and share their own thoughts about Lab School and this exhibit.

Last but certainly not least, do not let me forget to show you our interactive for the exhibit’s website.
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Here we have written spotlight feature articles about subjects related to the mission, method, and memories surrounding the Lab School. This is a great way for anyone to visit our exhibit virtually! You can visit this interactive by visiting: http://eiulabschoolmuseum.wix.com/exhibition#!education/c1fyv

So as you can see, the Education Team has not been resting on their laurels.  We are dedicated to making this exhibit an informative and fun experience.  Stay tuned for the Education team’s future blog post about programming for the exhibit’s opening nights!

This makes all the sleep deprivation worth while.


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